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Shopping Spree

  • Published on Sep 25, 2023
  • by User Not Found

The RGV Chapter assisted the United Way of South Texas in a Shopping Spree sponsored by Target for incoming 9th graders from high schools throughout Hidalgo and Starr counties.  The students shopped for an hour before the store opened. The students were vetted by their school counselors based on need.  Some of these kids come from a family where they usually get hand-me-downs, so they were so excited to be able to buy their own brand-new clothes. 

Each student was paired with a volunteer "shopper" to spend the $150 budget to purchase clothing, shoes, and personal items. After the cashiers totaled the purchases, the kids were given a backpack with some school supplies to take with them.

Pictured are Lilly Lopez-Killelea, United Way of South Texas President, and RGV Chapter Board Member Mary Garcia and her husband.

Lilly Lopez-Killelea, United Way of South Texas President, and RGV Chapter Board Member Mary Garcia and her husband.