Endowed Scholarship Fund

The endowed scholarship from TXCPA Fort Worth showcases the deep commitment of its members to fostering the next generation of accounting professionals. This initiative not only clears pathways for aspiring CPAs but also upholds their enduring legacy, cultivating a nurturing atmosphere for emerging talents and serving as a catalyst for growth and excellence in the accounting field.


  1. The Fort Worth Endowment Fund will be administered through the TXCPA Accounting Education Foundation (AEF).
  2. Recipients are accounting majors at a Texas college or university within the Fort Worth Chapter area, or they attended a high school in the Fort Worth Chapter area. They must intend to become a Texas Certified Public Accountant and enter the accounting profession upon graduation. Recipients from four-year universities receive $2,500, while recipients from the five approved community colleges offering the additional 30 hours for licensure receive $1,000.
  3. Donations to the endowment fund are welcomed in increments of $5,000.
  4. The principal amount of the donation will be preserved in perpetuity, and only the income generated from the investment will be distributed as scholarships.
  5. Scholarships will be awarded from the income generated from the investment of the endowment funds only after the principal of the endowment fund reaches $50,000.
  6. The Chapter will recognize the Donor in the following manner:
    • Verbal acknowledgement at the five largest Chapter events: The Annual Meeting of Members, Summer Members Meeting, Summer Social, Member Appreciation Day, and at the Chapter’s annual fundraising event
    • Banners or signage at all Chapter events
    • Recognition on the Chapter’s website
    • Recognition as a donor to TXCPA AEF
  7. Please note that contributions to the endowment fund do not include any goods, services, or event attendance.
Please provide your information below to commit to the endowment fund.  An invoice for your donation will be sent to you shortly. Should you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us.