Member Involvement

The Key Person program

Grassroots political action is a vital element of TXCPA’s governmental affairs efforts. TXCPA’s influence and views are best communicated to legislators through our members. There is no substitute for the powerful influence of constituent communications on the way a legislator ultimately votes on legislation.

TXCPA members are the constituents, taxpayers, business owners, and citizens who vote and pay taxes in legislators' districts. TXCPA members have unique expertise and represent other professional colleagues and clients in the district. There is no one can explain the impact of accounting and tax issues on the profession and their clients better than TXCPA members.

The TXCPA Key Persons program was established more than 25 years ago and has become the model grass roots program used by many Texas professional and trade associations. 


Texas Members of Congress
In Need of a Key Person:

Rep. Greg Casar
(D-35) Austin
Rep. Jasmine Crockett
(D-30) Dallas
Rep. Monica De La Cruz
(D-15) Seguin
Rep. Wesley Hunt
(R-38) Houston
Rep. Morgan Luttrell
(R-8) Magnolia
Rep. Nathaniel Moran
(R-1) Longview
Rep. Keith Self
(R-3) Greenville

Email Patty Wyatt to volunteer or for more information.


Federal Level

The AICPA established the Federal Key Person program to maintain regular and continuing personal contact with every member of the U.S. Congress. The program accomplishes this through the development and maintenance of a cadre of politically sophisticated and knowledgeable members across the country with the ability to influence members of Congress, in minimal time, when action is needed on a legislative issue affecting the profession.

The AICPA Federal Key Person Program is a vitally important supplement to the efforts of the AICPA professional staff in Washington, D.C. because it:

  • Reinforces for the members of Congress that the views expressed by AICPA legislative staff are representative of the views of the Congressman’s constituents in the district;
  • Heightens the Congressman’s accountability to his constituents and provides a double avenue to influence public policy decisions; and
  • Localizes in the members of Congress’ conscience, the political impact of federal legislation.

Key persons should be well versed in all legislative and political issues affecting the profession. In a sense, each key person is a lobbyist who must be able to communicate the AICPA’s positions to Members of Congress clearly and understandably.

Responsibilities of the Key Person Include:

  • Maintaining personal contact with their assigned member of Congress.
  • Staying current on legislative issues affecting the profession by reading regular publications from the AICPA.
  • Taking immediate action to contact their member of Congress when the AICPA issues a "Legislative Action Alert" concerning a particular legislative issue.
  • Promptly summarizing and reporting to their coordinator and the AICPA the nature and results of each contact, including potential legislative opportunities and problems.
  • Attending political fund-raising events for the AICPA Effective Legislation Committee when requested.
  • Attending the AICPA Congressional Luncheon Program when requested.


State Level

TXCPA sponsors a Key Person program to involve CPAs in grassroots action in Texas. Key Persons are responsible for advocating the profession’s viewpoint on issues to their members of the Texas Legislature.

The focus of this program is to train member CPAs to develop and promote a personal constituent relationship with his or her legislator and thereby enhance his or her role as a Key Person. By cultivating relationships with the legislator and his or her staff, a Key Person is able to provide them with important information on CPA licensing, tax, accounting, business issues, regulatory matters, as well as act as a spokesperson for the profession. At the same time, Key Persons also are in a unique position to gather information in their districts that can help TXCPA plan their future dealings with the legislature. Through these relationships, Key Persons help the profession achieve its legislative objectives.

TXCPA Key Persons are charged with the following responsibilities:

  • To represent the profession to individual state legislators;
  • To develop a personal, constituent relationship with the legislator based on mutual trust and respect;
  • To respond immediately to Action Alerts from TXCPA to contact the legislator on specific issues;
  • To reinforce the constituent relationship with the legislator by regularly communicating about professional and nonprofessional issues that may be of interest to him or her and the staff;
  • To be aware of pending legislation that affects the profession and to be prepared to discuss the impact on your practice, your clients, and the local community;
  • To attend political fundraising events for TXCPA and TXCPA PAC when requested;
  • To attend TXCPA’s legislative receptions when requested;
  • To help build community understanding and support for the profession and its position on the issues; and
  • To share information and feedback with TXCPA that is useful in developing legislative strategy and achieving our goals.




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