The CPA Witness in the COVID-19 Era
This webcast features a panel of leading attorneys and CPAs who are dealing with testifying virtually in court or as a part of other legal proceedings.
This webcast will help you understand how to successfully provide deposition and trial testimony using Zoom and similar technology platforms, focusing on issues you might overlook such as body language and expressions, the background of the camera shot, navigating documents, off-the-record discussions with your client attorney and more.
It also contains a separate discussion on observing an opposing expert’s deposition and how to provide feedback to your client attorney. This session also helps you understand the new ethical issues that arise when using remote technology. This webcast will be of interest to any CPA who may find themselves giving testimony, whether it be as an expert, a fact witness or as a party to a dispute.
TXCPA’s Business Valuations, Forensic and Litigation Services Committee created this special webcast originally shown on Oct. 23, 2020 to help you navigate changes prompted by COVID-19 restrictions.