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Phillip Arvanetakis, CPA
Young Professionals Committee
TXCPA Houston 2021-2022 Innovation Award
This year’s Innovation Award goes to Phillip Arvanetakis and the Young Professionals Committee. The Innovation Award recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of the Young Professionals Committee this year. Teamwork prevailed this year. From the chair and vice-chairs to the newest members, these individuals worked as a cohesive group to plan and execute innovative and exciting events for others. The virtual event, “Create an Accounting Meme,” was so successful in 2021 that it has become an annual social event. The Christmas Lights Pedal Party will be repeated this year. Volunteers contacted younger members whose membership was about to lapse. Members regularly include students and CPA candidates to help bridge the gap between pursuing a CPA and becoming an engaged professional. Young Professionals represent over 34% of the TXCPA Houston membership, and this committee is prepared to do whatever it takes to engage and nurture new and future CPAs.
Congratulations Phillip, and keep up the great work!