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A New Year of Opportunities


Chairman’s Message

By TXCPA Chairman Sheila Enriquez, JD, CPA-Houston, CFF, CVA

Sheila200xIt’s a new year at the Texas Society of CPAs! I’m honored and excited to serve as your chairman this year. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to learn more about what we’ll be doing together in the coming year by reading this issue’s cover story on page 16. It is with the support of this dynamic community that we will make an impact and best serve, promote and protect our profession.

Your TXCPA leadership has set new goals for 2022-2023 under our three pillars of success: community and connection, professional excellence, and advocacy. In addition to our ongoing delivery of benefits to members, we’ll be focused on a few new opportunities.

Under Community and Connection, we plan to grow our community, engage next generation CPAs and deliver an exceptional member experience that will be evident in an increased member satisfaction rating.

Our Professional Excellence goals focus on expanding the number of members who experience our TXCPA CPE programs, and providing valuable and timely new resources for our firms that participate in peer review.

Advocacy is one of the greatest benefits for members. We’ll expand the reach of our promotion of the CPA brand, as well as the influence of the CPA-PAC through higher member involvement and support.

YOU are critical to our success as a community, and I encourage you to find your place to get engaged and involved in these and other valuable efforts at the state level and in your local chapter. The TXCPA team stands ready to help you find your fit. We have a place for every member to feel connected and have a voice in how we serve our profession. If you’re not involved yet and want to be, email the TXCPA team at membership@tx.cpa or give them a call at 800-428-0272.

Thank you for your membership and your trust in TXCPA!

I'd love to hear from you!

I’d love to hear your feedback and answer your questions. Drop me a note at chairman@tx.cpa.